In 1916, while Europe was in the middle of First World War and Spain was enjoying the advantages of being a neutral country, eroticism was called voluptuousness and Senator Duke of Daroca, despite his ancient lineage, fell completely in love with a famous cabaret singer, Rosario "La Criollita", which was a scandal. At that time, it was doubted that decent women had legs - But this mystery was resolved a decade later, when the roaring twenties arrived and, with them, the sensual Lupe Cardoso
Guadalupe Cardoso 'Lupe'
Amadeo - Duque de Daroca
Rosario 'La criollita'
Aníbal Trijueque
Doña Ramona
Pepe Bierzo - Barón del Bierzo
Alberto García del Chaparral
Raul - Marqués de Corbina
Clarita Pérez-López y Pérez-López - Baronesa del Bierzo
Duquesa de Daroca
Doña Úrsula